Who is Kevin Lynch and why is Dana White posting a tribute for him? Looking into photographer's long

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Kevin Lynch was a prominent member of the UFC team who played a pivotal role in humanizing the fighters. He worked with the organization for over 20 years, earning the respect, trust, and admiration of not just UFC fighters but also the top brass, including UFC president Dana White.

In a world notorious for its brutality and intensity, photographer Kevin Lynch masterfully unveils human narratives through his lens. When Lynch ventured into the UFC in 2002, MMA was met with skepticism due to its perceived brutality.

Over time, he not only captured the fighters in action but delved into the lives behind their fierce demeanor, culminating in his groundbreaking project called 'Octagon.'

Kevin Lynch's work shattered preconceived notions of plain brutality in the sport by revealing the human side of athletes. Through the pages of Octagon, Lynch brilliantly documented the fighters before and after their bouts, showcasing the transformation they undergo physically and emotionally.

Lynch managed to put together this beautiful concept by building trust with the fighters he worked with—an essential aspect in the world of effective portraiture. For his first project under the UFC banner, he captured Tito Ortiz and Ken Shamrock for UFC 40. Over time, he established strong bonds with fighters and their coaches, enabling him to authentically portray their unique qualities.

Unfortunately, Lynch passed away recently, and the cause of the death is uncertain. Dana White posted a heartfelt tribute on Instagram, writing:

"RIP Kevin Lynch. Thank you for everything Kevin."

Check out the Instagram story below:

[Via: @danawhite on Instagram]

Kevin Lynch's personal favorite UFC fighters to work with and fighters who broke stereotypes

In an insightful conversation with Phoblograppher, Kevin Lynch spoke in length about the personalities of UFC fighters.

When asked about the fighter who defied the stereotype of a "tough, cold personality," Lynch recounted his experience working with former UFC women's featherweight champion Cris Cyborg.

Despite her imposing appearance, Cyborg showcased remarkable sensitivity and open-mindedness during the shoot. Lynch highlighted her warm and friendly nature, even capturing a tender portrait with her cat. Speaking about the interaction, Lynch stated:

"At first when she walks in Cris Cyborg impresses anyone with her amazing appearance and athleticism. She’s so powerful and confident, but she’s also open-minded as she was into experimenting creatively during the shoot. She also maintained all the wonderful attributes women have for me. She brought her cat and we did a sweet portrait of the two of them showing a loving-soft side to her you might not expect at first. I was intrigued by her lovely disposition. She’s someone you would want to be friends with."

When asked about his favorites among the fighters, Lynch admitted it was challenging to remain objective. However, he claimed that he particularly cherished his interactions with fighters like B.J. Penn, Matt Hughes, Georges St-Pierre, Randy Couture, and Chuck Liddell.

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