What did Kendra Hatcher's boyfriend Dr. Ricky Paniagua do after her murder?

May 2024 · 5 minute read

After the horrific murder of Kendra Hatcher, many lives were torn apart, including that of Ricardo "Ricky" Paniagua, the man in the middle of a crime that was purely fueled by the perpetrator's feelings.

Brenda Delgado, the prime accused in the murder of the 35-year-old pediatric dentist, was in a relationship with Ricky months prior to his affair with the victim Kendra Hatcher.

According to sources, Brenda Delgado stalked and followed Ricky and his new girlfriend, Kendra Hatcher, for months after their breakup, and ultimately decided to kill Hatcher in a bid to win her old love back.

She did this with the help of two hired accomplices, who shot Kendra in the parking lot of her luxury building, Gables Park 17, and ran away in a black Jeep.

Since Kendra Hatcher's death, Ricky Paniagua has been completely off social media, and very little is known about his personal life as of today.

Who is Dr. Ricky Paniagua?

An affluent professional in his field, Ricky Paniagua was raised in a trailer in rural Northern Carolina. He went on to study medicine at the prestigious Stanford University, and followed it up with an internship at the University of Massachusetts. After this, he did his dermatology residency at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

When Ricky moved to Dallas, he was in the middle of a divorce. It was during this time that he ran into Brenda Delgado. They hit it off quite well and weeks later, Delgado moved in with him at his Fitzhugh Urban Flats. The relationship progressed significantly, to the point that Ricky even met Delagado's parents. Delagado posted a birthday message that said:

"Happy Birthday to the most amazing and smartest man I know. Ricky, together we’ve shared so much happiness, you are my best friend. I love you with all my heart and can’t imagine life without you."

Brenda's obsession with Ricky was evident to everyone around the woman. She even managed to get back into Ricky's life after he initially dumped her in 2014.

In 2015, Ricky dumped her again by stating that he had some issues he needed to take care of. For months after this breakup, Ricky ran into Brenda many times at the Katy Trail. Though he initially dismissed these meetings as coincidences, it was later discovered that Brenda had been stalking Ricky Paniagua for months using his email ID.

In September 2015, two people in a black Jeep shot Hatcher in her parking lot. Brenda was later identified as the prime suspect. All three were arrested for the murder of Kendra Hatcher.

Where is Ricky Paniagua?

After Kendra's death, Ricky revealed to the authorities that he had no clue about Brenda's lingering feelings. He moved back to California after Kendra was murdered. According to sources, he still lives in California and works at Roseville Medical Center.

His doctor's profile says:

"I feel fortunate to now be in the Sacramento Valley with the opportunity to live close to family. … My sincerest goal is to provide empathetic, respectful, and kind care while identifying the optimal management strategy for each patient."

He has been off social media for many years. Little information is available about his private life as of today.

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