Video shows moment handcuffed suspect Anthony Alphonso Sanchez III stole Colorado police vehicle bef

April 2024 · 4 minute read

31-year-old Anthony Alphonso Sanchez III died in a fatal crash after he stole a Colorado State Patrol car. The cause of death was a fatal crash in the stolen patrol car. At 11 am on June 20, 2023, Colorado State Police was called in to aid Otero County deputies with a car chase on Highway 50. The call placed to Colorado State Patrol has been classified as a “shots fired” call.

The authorities chased Anthony Alphonso Sanchez III, who continued to flee from them. After he was cornered, Sanchez stole the alleged Colorado State Patrol vehicle. He lost control of the vehicle while trying to escape, and crashed. The resultant accident led to his car catching fire, which ultimately led to his death.

Anthony Alphonso Sanchez III caused several traffic accidents on his run from the authorities

Along the way, Anthony Alphonso Sanchez III apparently deliberately caused several crashes and accidents, and also attempted head-on collisions with other drivers.

Ultimately, the authorities were able to limit the route taken by Sanchez and were able to trap him in a PIT maneuver. In a struggle that ensued after he was trapped, Sanchez stole a marked Colorado State Patrol Vehicle and fled the area.

Thereafter, as per available video footage, Anthony Alphonso Sanchez III was on the run, and happened to run over stop traps that had been planted on the Highway that he was on.

Due to this, Sanchez lost control of his car and ran into another commercial vehicle that was parked on the highway near Las Animas. It is reported that the driver of the commercial vehicle escaped without injuries.

Thereafter, Sanchez’s car took multiple spins and caught fire. The authorities managed to retrieve Sanchez from the burning vehicle. He was rushed to the hospital due to the injuries that he sustained from the burning patrol car. Ultimately, Sanchez did not survive the accident.

Speaking about the incident right after it took place, the authorities said that Anthony Alphonso Sanchez III:

"stole and fatally crashed a Colorado State Patrol vehicle after fleeing from Otero County Sheriff's Deputies”

After a conversation they had with the Colorado State Patrol, News5 reported that the trooper’s whole patrol vehicle was stolen by Sanchez, who was placed on administrative leave in the aftermath. He was thereafter reinstated and cleared to serve his duties. However, the investigation into the accident may still result in disciplinary action against the trooper.

The reason for Sanchez's conduct is unknown. The crash is under active investigation of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation

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