Tracy Anderson Diet Plan to get Sexy Abs

April 2024 · 4 minute read

When you are working with celebs like Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Richie, Molly Sims, Isla Fisher, Gwyneth Paltrow, Lena Dunham, Camila AlvesMelissa George and helping them get fit, you really get an idea of what works for people. Tracy Anderson has certainly got an idea about the right foods and what leads to a toned tummy. As they say, abs are made in the kitchen and Anderson is just proving that. Here, we’ll have a look at the diet plan of the celebrity trainer and get to know her ideas on making your abs in the kitchen.

Early Morning Food Option

The petite blonde starts her day with organic coffee that has only organic milk and has it around 6:45 AM. She buys the whole organic milk at a market near her home, reports NY Post.


The breakfast option of the celebrity trainer is very simple. She either has a protein shake or pureed apple-and-grape pouch. Some people may think that the pureed pouches are baby food but it is not true. The talented trainer thinks that pureed pouch foods are really good for kicking your digestive system into action every morning. They are also great for fueling a person for a tough workout.


The lunch meal of the fitness expert includes options such as some fresh guacamole, salsa and grilled chicken and some Bearitos corn chips. She uses Bearitos as an organic imitation of Fritos, a food she loves but can’t have. Tracy has lunch only after a tough 90-minute workout that usually leaves her starving.

Diet Indulgence

A major diet indulgence of Tracy is chocolate. She is currently hooked on Blanxart Chocolate con Leche and usually has only half a bar as a snack.


The dinner option of the owner of a clothing line is very simple and light. She just has some steamed vegetables and grilled fish for dinner. In case, she had had a lighter lunch on any day, she will make the dinner a bit heavier by eating some French fries. Tracy stays away from red meat as she considers it to be a source of stress. The stress is generated by an animal when it is trapped so when you eat red meat, you are directly eating its stress.

The Drink

After dinner, the owner of a rapidly growing fitness empire loves to have a bit of white wine. She never drinks more than 2 glasses. Tracy likes the Cakebread [Cellars] white the most and rarely goes for red wine or rose.

Now, if you want to know how Anderson maintains her envious abs, then its secret lies in the kitchen too. Here are some valuable tips she shares with regard to making abs in the kitchen.

Tracy Anderson‘s Tips for Toned Abs

Potassium Rich Smoothie for Reduced Bloating

If you wish to get rid of bloating, you should have potassium rich foods like bananas in the morning. The fitness guru thinks that you must have fiber rich vegetables and fruits in the morning. Potassium rich foods would reduce bloating by boosting water retention by managing the sodium levels of your body. If you are not sure about how to include banana in the morning breakfast, you can try a breakfast option shared by the renowned trainer.

Make a smoothie by adding a few frozen banana chunks with some greens, a scoop of vanilla powder along with a few figs and apricots. Blend them all together and the result would be a healthy drink.

Cooked Veggies for Better Digestion

Though some people have a fondness for raw foods, the Indiana-born suggests that you cook your foods to make them easier to digest, reports You should also try to avoid eating cruciferous veggies such as kale, broccoli, and cabbage raw as they are hard to digest. If you have a fondness for Spinach, you should have sautéed spinach that is seasoned with lemon juice and capers.

You can also have spinach in a Spinach and Avocado soup that’s very creamy and delicious. Another way to have spinach is to try Cantonese Spinach as it has a nice flavor due to the presence of rice wine and garlic cloves.

Fish for Curtailing Fat

If you want to cut down on your belly fat, then eating fish would come in handy. You can go for Salmon like her as it’s full of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids which can assist in boosting up the speed of your weight loss. She also likes tuna and combines it with capers and mustard and spreads it on cucumber slices. This recipe is a good choice for lunch.

For more cool tips, visit Tracy’s official website or follow her on Instagram, Twitter or YouTube.
