Lens Character Analysis: Decoding If Len Is a Con in Never Have I Ever

May 2024 · 4 minute read

The comedy-drama series “Never Have I Ever” on Netflix chronicles Devi’s escapades as she juggles her love life with her studies. Her mother and grandmother are also featured prominently in the show’s fourth and final season. Nirmala Pati also meets someone she can live with, but Nalini finds love in an unexpected man. She first hides it from her family out of concern for their opinion.

They support her in exploring her romance and don’t give a damn about what people say about her new connection, though. It is Kamala who first learns of Len, Pati’s new boyfriend, and who also develops suspicions about him. Here is everything you need to know whether you’re wondering if Len is a con man, as Kamala believes, or if he truly loves Nirmala. Warning: This section contains spoilers.

Investigating Len: Kamala’s Quest for Truth

Upon learning that Nirmala has a boyfriend, Kamala encourages Pati to pursue her love interests. But she also looks out for her grandma, so when she sees Len chatting to an enigmatic woman, she starts to worry that he might be pursuing Nirmala’s money. When Nirmala leaves Len and Kamala alone at home, suspicions are aroused. Kamala recently underwent laser surgery, which has left her with poor vision.

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With just Len about the house, she initially feels uncomfortable, but as he tends to her, she relaxes. She nods off and wakes up to the noises of an unfamiliar woman. Though she cannot see, she can hear the woman’s voice and cannot see the woman’s face. She also starts to wonder after hearing Len lie to Kamala about there never having been a lady in the house before sending the woman on her way.

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Upon hearing this from Kamala, Nalini questions whether Kamala’s use of medication at the time may have caused her to suffer hallucinations. But when Kamala spots Len at the coffee shop with the same woman, her suspicions are validated. She hears them discussing money and recognises the voice. Not too long after, Nirmala discloses that she had once made a large investment in Apple. Her family was never aware of her wealth since she had always been frugal with her money. She doesn’t appear to be as cautious about giving it to Len, though.

Nirmala has been receiving a lot of gifts for Len, and Kamala observes this. He simply cooks and bakes pastries in exchange. Kamala gets irritated by his talk of money with the other woman and wonders whether Len and her are swindling Nirmala since she is wealthy. With Devi’s assistance, Kamala sneaks into Len’s phone on Nirmala’s birthday and finds that the other woman’s name is saved as “Baby.” This proves that Len is merely exploiting Nirmala as a financial tool and is having an affair behind her back.

When Baby arrives at their place as requested by Kamala via text, Kamala reveals Len’s true identity to her. She is startled to learn that Nirmala is already acquainted with Baby, though. As it happens, Baby is their representative for real estate. Baby had been taking them around the condo that Nirmala had been hoping to purchase for their summer vacation. The real estate agent replies that her parents named her Baby after the character from “Dirty Dancing” when Kamala questions him about why Len preserved her number as “Baby.”

And that’s why Baby was bugging Len for money, Nirmala continues, because Baby has been insisting that they make a down payment on the condo as soon as possible. Baby discloses that she needs the money from the sale of the property to cover her share since she is deeply in debt. Len always spoke with Baby in private since, as Nirmala recalls, this was supposed to be a surprise.

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After everything is said and done, Kamala regrets believing Len to be a scammer. Len doesn’t have the organisational abilities to be a con man, Nirmala reassures her, and he genuinely loves her. Kamala acknowledges that she may have been using this as a diversion from having to move away from her family in order to take the new job that was offered to her. In the end, she concedes that Len is not a con guy and that she was mistaken about him.

Ayushi S
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