Is Hisam Goueli from Big Brother season 25 gay? Evicted houseguests gender identity explored

June 2024 · 4 minute read

CBS’ Big Brother 25 threw some unexpected twists during week 3 of the show, especially at Hisam Goueli.

In an unexpected turn of events, Hisam Goueli was evicted from the house. He lost the eviction vote unanimously by a margin of 11-0. Head of Household Felicia Cannon backdoored him since he was initially not even part of the eviction block.

A 45-year-old geriatric physician from Seattle, Hisam failed to convince his loyalty towards his alliance, The Professors. Among those supporting his eviction were Cirie Fields and Felicia. Regardless, his time on the show has led to many viewers speculating about his sexuality.

Hisam prefers keeping his private life out of the spotlight

It is no secret that the 45-year-old is homosexual, something he talked about right from the start. He claimed confidence in his gender and cultural identity in his introduction video to Big Brother 25. Despite being a highly private individual, he decided to join Big Brother 25.

He dates a man named Roberto, but few details are available about their relationship. Roberto maintains a low profile and is not active on social media.

Speaking on his eviction interview, Hisam stated he decided to participate in Big Brother 25 to remove his trust issues. Hence, while he has been open about his sexual orientation, his time on the show was related to his issues. The 45-year-old claimed he made several misjudgments and was guilty of trusting the “wrong people.” While he had successfully managed to form strong alliances, his decision to long for connections outside The Professors eventually led to his downfall.

There were many controversies during his time as the Head of Household in week 2. The other housemates likened his time to a dictatorship, while he compared it to his role as a doctor. He has no regrets from his time on Big Brother, claiming he was forced to make tough calls. He quickly became a celebrated figure for viewers.

Hisam’s post-eviction interview also marked his reaction to arguably the biggest twist of Big Brother 25. He was told by host Julie Chen Moonves that Jared was the son of Survivor veteran Cirie Fields. The revelation immediately made perfect sense to him, who claimed he better understood some of their decisions now.

New episodes of Big Brother 25 are released every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

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