EXCLUSIVE: Liz Lokre talks new single 'Help Myself'

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Liz Lokre is the multi-talented singer-songwriter from Toronto who has been busy captivating music lovers around the world with her soulful and empowering releases.

With tracks including ‘Stop Runnin’ and ‘Buh Bye’ under her belt, Liz has already amassed over one million streams on Spotify. Earlier this month, she released her latest single, the sensational ‘Help Myself’, which showcases Liz’s versatile vocals perfectly. Thanks to the stripped back nature of the production, the raw emotion of the track is heightened, allowing us to resonate with every word.

We recently had the chance to speak to Liz about ‘Help Myself’, working with Adrian X, Toronto’s influence on her sound, and much more. Check out what she had to say below.

Welcome to CelebMix, Liz! For anyone who’s yet to discover you, how would you describe your sound?

I’m serving soulful vocals with grooves that move you.

Congratulations on your latest track, ‘Help Myself’. What’s the response to it been like so far?

Thank you! So far so good, I think people are happy to hear something real and raw. There’s no big production to hide behind with this song so it’s really the intention behind it that’s on display.

Can you tell us a little about the inspiration behind the song?

I wrote this song during a time of personal revelation. It marks a really important decision I made recently, to take personal responsibility for my growth and my healing.

What was the creative process like? How long did it take for the track to form from the initial idea to the final product?

The initial writing process happened pretty quickly and organically, just me and my guitar in a few hours. I brought it to the studio where my producer Adrian X brought in the drum & bass elements. I actually performed the song a few times to see how it felt live and then the extra sauce was added by my friend Ryan Ashley in London who did the vocal arrangement. Team work makes the dream work. (Yeah I said it).

What’s your favourite lyric from ‘Help Myself’ and why?

I’d have to say the title, “You couldn’t help my before I help myself.” There’s so much weight in that line for me, it’s like that was the moment I found it in me to admit that one chapter needed to end so I could confidently move into what’s ahead.

You worked with Adrian X on the track and have also worked with him a lot in the past. We think that you evidently create magic together, but why do you think you work so well together?

We’ve created a space that allows for freedom of expression, honesty, growth and there’s a lot of support there. All of those elements make his studio (we call it The Grotto) my fave place to create. Also we’ve worked together for so long that we basically have our own language that consists of more mind reading than words, so it’s cool to be on the same page like that.

You also released a music video for ‘Help Myself’. Can you talk us through the inspiration behind the visual?

I’m so excited about this video! When my creative director Ramón Charles heard the track he threw out the idea about this story being interpreted through dancers, I really think they embodied their roles perfectly and brought the lyrics to life.

Are you working towards an EP/album? If so, what can we expect from it?

I’m currently releasing singles, but I’m so proud of this new music. I’m pulling from my cultural roots in these new songs and telling stories I didn’t have the courage to tell before. I’m so excited for you to hear what all that sounds like.

We love that your music always has a strong message behind it. What do you hope that people will take away from your new music?

I hope it inspires them to step into their own authenticity and power. I’m expressing what empowerment looks like for me through this music, I hope people feel that on a personal level too.

You grew up with music in your blood and your family are big inspirations of yours, but who else has inspired you musically over the years?

When I talk about this calling it always comes back to family. I realize it’s rooted in my lineage from my grandmother who was a performer, who then passed that down to my mother, who passed that on to me. I’m drawing a lot of strength from that blood line in this new music. But when it comes to other artists that move me, I’ll always sing the praises of badass women like Sade, Alicia Keys and MIA. Authentic communicators of important messages through music.

You’ve been writing and performing since you were 12 – was there ever a time that you considered anything but music as a career?

The best part about a music career is that it includes wearing a lot of hats. I don’t see my career in music being linear. I can have as many goals in as many categories as I want but they’ll always be creative pursuits and fall under the heading: “Artist”.

Coming from Toronto, how has your home city influenced you musically? 

Diversity is number one. This is a city made of all kinds of people with different backgrounds and that is celebrated. There are so many cultural stories being told in Toronto, it makes me want to learn more about mine.

What about LA and London’s influence on your sound, as you spend a lot of your time in both areas?

It’s the people, the creative energy, maybe the water? I have such incredibly talented friends in LA & London who have actually become more like family… we just have fun making music we all love!

What’s next for Liz Lokre?

Keep an eye on my socials @lizlokre for the new music and show dates rolling out this summer! 

Thank you to Liz Lokre for her time. Keep up to date with her via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

‘Help Myself’ is out now.

Let us know your thoughts on Liz Lokre and her music on Twitter @CelebMix
