Country singer Mindy McCready admits 10 year affair with Roger Clemens

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Roger Clemens has taken beating after beating in the media since his unceremonious return to retirement from major league baseball. First, it was his lackluster return to the NY Yankees, then the allegations that Clemens was a steroid user- which he vigorously but not very convincingly denied – and now, his former mistress, whom he began a relationship with when she was only 16, is talking about their decade-long affair.

McCready, 32, told “Inside Edition” she met Clemens when she was 16, not 15, as reported by the Daily News last April. She told the news magazine they met in a karaoke bar, that her relationship with the pitcher didn’t turn sexual until several years later and the relationship lasted for a decade.

During their relationship, McCready says Clemens treated her “like a princess,” but that she still regrets the relationship with the married athlete.

“Carrying on a relationship with him is not something I’m proud of,” she said, according to a partial transcript released by the show.

Clemens in May denied having an affair with a 15-year-old but didn’t specifically address whether he had a romance with McCready. He issued a statement that “I have made mistakes in my personal life for which I am sorry.”

Clemens’ lawyer, Rusty Hardin, did not respond to an e-mail for comment Monday.

“We never had a meeting in secret. We went on vacations together. We went to Palm Springs. We went to Las Vegas, New York City,” McCready told “Inside Edition.” I wanted him to do right by me … and when he wouldn’t, I broke it off.”

But McCready, who was once engaged to “Superman” star Dean Cain, was quoted by the Daily News as saying: “I didn’t want to get married to him and I don’t want to get married now. He should have done right by his family — a person is unhappy in their marriage and spending all their personal time with someone else, you need to do right by your marriage. He should have just told Debbie and been honest with her. If he didn’t want to be with her and wanted to be with me, he should have told her.”

McCready regrets any hurt inflicted on Debbie Clemens’ the pitcher’s wife.

“I have nothing but remorse and nothing but sympathy for what she’s had to go through with this situation, and she has my utmost apology,” she told “Inside Edition.”

[From Fox News]

First Roger gets thrown under the bus by his trainer, then his best friend, fellow Yankees pitcher Andy Pettitte, and now his former mistress. It’s probably not a good time to be The Rocket right now.

For those of you following the strange saga of Mindy McCready, whose life is shaping up to be a doozy of a country song, the singer has been in and out of jail over the past couple of years on charges tracing back to her fraudulent use of prescription painkillers, alcohol abuse and domestic abuse charges – none of which involved the All-Star pitcher.

Roger Clemens is shown testifying about allegations of steroid use by professional ball players before the US House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on 3/12/08. Mindy McCready is shown on 6/7/08. Credit: WENN
