Are Bobcats Dangerous? The Truth About These Cute But Wild Cats

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Bobcats are usually shy and solitary animals that don’t often approach people, so human attacks are rare.

However, they can be dangerous if they get scared or feel threatened.

Sometimes, accidental encounters can happen because bobcats may not always be easy to spot.

The bobcat is a medium-sized cat native to North America, from Canada to Mexico.

It’s closely related to the slightly bigger Canada lynx and can be mistaken for one.

Some people think bobcats are domestic cats or stray kittens because they’re small.

So, are bobcats dangerous, or are they as friendly and cute as pet cats?

Are bobcats dangerous to humans?

Bobcats are generally wary of humans, but they can become quite dangerous if they exhibit aggression.

Bobcats possess specialized teeth with nerve sensitivity that helps them identify vulnerable points when biting.

In addition to sharp teeth, bobcats have stronger jaws compared to foxes, coyotes, and even cheetahs.

Typically, bobcats only display aggression toward humans when they feel threatened or trapped.

In a Virginia incident, a bobcat attacked three individuals, injuring two, when a man attempted to grasp its legs, resulting in severe arm and leg injuries.

Although rabies is not prevalent among bobcats, the disease is known to heighten their aggressive tendencies.

Many reported human attacks involve bobcats that have tested positive for rabies.

While bobcats often avoid humans, caution should be exercised when encountering this wild animal.

Are bobcats dangerous to pets?

Bobcats are carnivorous creatures primarily dining on small animals such as moles, rabbits, and squirrels.

Consequently, bobcats view cats and smaller dogs as potential prey.

There are numerous documented instances of bobcats attacking and even killing outdoor pets, particularly during their breeding season, spanning from March to July.

While bobcats are more inclined to target dogs under 30 pounds, they can pose a threat to canines of all sizes.

These wild felines may also pursue larger prey, particularly when food sources are scarce.

In addition, if a bobcat feels threatened by a dog while hunting for different prey in a yard, it may defend itself.

To safeguard pets from bobcats, it’s advisable not to leave them unattended outdoors, particularly during the nighttime when bobcats are most active.

Although bobcats can scale fences, erecting one can also aid in keeping wild animals, like bobcats, out of your yard.

How Big Is A Bobcat?

Although bobcats are categorized as medium-sized cats, a smaller bobcat might resemble a large domestic cat.

Male bobcats can weigh anywhere from 15 to 40 pounds, while female bobcats typically weigh around 15 pounds.

However, in terms of height and length, bobcats surpass the average domestic cat, standing at an average height of 16 inches and measuring an average length of 38.5 inches.

Bobcats are larger than both house cats and foxes but are smaller than wolves and many dog breeds.

They have noticeably longer hind legs compared to their front legs, which can make them appear quite imposing when they stand on their hind legs.

Bobcats do possess tails, although they are relatively short, ranging from 4 to 6 inches in length.

Even when standing on their hind legs, the average bobcat reaches a height of about 21 inches, which is smaller than the typical height of a two-year-old human.

This size disparity may be one of the reasons why bobcats infrequently exhibit aggression toward humans.

What Do Bobcats Eat?

Bobcats consume a variety of animals, including mice, rats, squirrels, chickens, young fawns, wild birds, feral cats, and rabbits.

While it is uncommon, there is a slim chance that free-roaming cats or small unsupervised dogs outside could be targeted as well.

How to Discourage Bobcats from Your Property

Bobcats are wild animals, so you should respect them and their habitat.

You should not feed them or try to touch them.

Feeding bobcats can make them lose their fear of humans and become dependent on artificial sources of food.

This can lead to conflicts and possible euthanasia of the bobcats by animal control authorities.

To discourage bobcats from your property, you should:

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